Monday, September 12, 2011

PeopleBrowsr: Brand Engagement from the Largest Database of Tweets in the World

Brand Managers - is your agency partner using PeopleBrowsr?  

If not, your brand could be missing a great opportunity to leverage the collective consciousness assembled through Twitter, Facebook, and other social channels.   

From CrunchBase:  "PeopleBrowsr can tap into this stream to create a rich metadata cloud built from data extracted from global blogs, websites and other social media platforms, collecting crucial information about a brand or event by providing real-time statistics and human-powered sentiment analysis."

Over the weekend, the folks at PeopleBrowsr invited me to test drive Engagement Center interface. (You can see me taking it for a test drive over at Screenr - btw - another cool tool if you aren't using it already.)

Straightup - good stuff.  I began to think of the whole experience as an "All Access Pass" to the largest cocktail party on the planet.  With this tool, I was able to identify the most influential folks at the party.  Listen to what they are saying about different brands.  Join the conversation.  Influence their opinions.  And motivate them to share more about a brand with all of their other influential friends.

If your agency isn't using PeopleBrowsr on behalf of your brand, then maybe it's time to engage with another partner.

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