Thursday, October 13, 2011

Google Minus?

Ok.  Ok.  So I wasn't one of the digiteratti to get an invite to beta test Google+.  But, like the social-faithful, I hastily followed the blue-arrow prompt and took the plunge a few weeks ago.  I must say, at first blush, I was underwhelmed with the experience.  It felt much like admiring a cool new sports car from afar, only to be left unfulfilled behind the wheel during the test drive.  Lots of goo-gaws and gadgets.  Clunky to navigate.  Few of my friends and colleagues participating.  So, like the rest of the reported 60%, I bailed.

Until yesterday.  Thanks to my new friend Kit Costello, I am taking Google+ for another, extended test-drive.  I'll put it through its paces in all earnestness this time, and see where she takes me.  Afterall, The Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu, can't both be wrong.  Thanks Kit.

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