Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Happy Anniversary Dear

Today marks the 26th anniversary of my wedding to Missy - the most stunningly gorgeous, sinfully delicious (cook - shame on you all), graciously charming, amazingly clever, make-me-laugh-in-my belly, world's best Words-with-Friends playing woman on the planet.  How I won her, I will never, never know.

The first week of my freshman year at college, I attended a mandatory dorm meeting and sat down next to my destiny.  After that meeting, I remember telling my roommate that, "I had just met the girl that was going to marry."  Those were my exact words.  I know.  I know.  Sounds like something someone would say like, "Follow that cab!" in a "B" rated movie.  But it is the truth - I swear.

But then, maybe that's because my life has really been like a movie - or TV show.  "Bewtiched" to be exact.  Ever since I was a kid, I wanted to be Darren Stevens (not the Dick York version).  Like so many innocents who really don't know anything about the business beyond "Mean Joe Green" and "Where's the Beef", I was seduced by the lure of Madison avenue as a child.  (It wasn't until I got fired a few times before I realized it was actually a cold, hard business - not magic -nothing glamorous at all, in fact.)  Well, for nearly 30 years, I have followed the siren's call.  In the end, I have made a career of advertising (my first job was at BBDO - on Madison Avenue).  But, I never did marry a witch.

Instead, I married Doris Day.  After all these years, I have realized that my charmed life is more like "The Thrill of it All" than "Bewitched".  Sunny, vibrant, fun, chaotic, messy -- but always, always -- with a happy ending -- all because of Missy - my goddess, my muse, my Happy Soap pitch girl.  I love her.  I adore her.  I am intoxicated by her.

Happy anniversary Missy.

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